Thursday, February 28, 2013

Leslie Ocon
English 113B
Professor Lawson
Final Draft

Social Network Problems

The social network is probably the most common way that people communicate now in days.Their is many social networks such as: Facebook, Twitter,Instagram and Tumbler and many more websites .Everyone has one from teenagers to older people to business people. However, the difference for people is the way that they express themselves on the internet and what they use it for.Many teenagers tend to use the internet in inappropriate ways that they should not use it for . For example many teenagers post up sexsual videos and pictures exposing themselves in the social network as a way of them to seek attention. However, it can backfire on them and easily make themselves a target to become cyber bullied something that maybe they were not expecting.Or even bring themselves upon problems with the law. This is not okay for teenagers to be seeking out for attention this way on the internet and running themselves in to trouble with the law over something that is fake in a way. The sad part is that what ever happens on the internet does not always stay their . Everyone knows that whatever is exposed on the internet is at the reach of every ones hand. That is exactly why people have to thin twice before they post anything.Please do not be the next person to do this it will definitely hurt you one way or the other. Receiving fame over the internet is not worth the harassment you will receive over something you did on the internet.
Many teenagers do not receive the attention that they need at home so they go out seeking for it in the internet. Everyone has internet access so it seems easy to do. Or might it be that teenagers are so addicted to the social networking that they take these actions just to become famous on Facebook and the social networks? In “Many Teens tell survey they're addicted tosocial Media,texting” by The Washington Post “Nine out of 10teens use texting and social media sites”. That is an insane number. If you were to fill a room with 100 teenagers only 10 of them would not have a social networking website.

The first example is the one of a now currently “Facebook Famous” person as they like to be called is Star Beltran. Star Beltran is currently a 17 year old that resides in the Los Angeles area. Star decides one day to upload a very explicit video of her self giving oral sex to two guys at the same time on the social network FaceBook. Immediately her Facebook started going insane with likes on here video and friend request.Star currently has 41,988followers on Facebook. Meaning that she already has the friend limit she can have on FaceBook which are 5,000 friends. After the 5,000 friends she had to get “followers” which in a way can also be her fans or the haters that want to know what she is updating on her FaceBook. When this video was first uploaded on to FaceBook many people thought that her account had been hacked by someone that disliked her because who would want to upload a video like that on to the internet where everyone can see it? Many times we see it happen from normal people to celebrities when they are exposed in intimate situations and clearly are embarrassed by it. Well everyone was wrong. Later on Star uploads a video the next day where she her self states that no one had hacked her Face Book and she had uploaded it her self. Star in the beginning felt no shame of what she had done and she even mentioned the named of the two guys in the video as we can not see their faces on the video for exception of Star's. Most definitely she uploaded this video on to FaceBook to clearly get the attention from everyone. At that time Star was sixteen years old. Her video became so famous on the Internet that it ended up making to a porn site. And of course Star was proud of that as she updated her FaceBook bragging about it. However, not everything went according to Star's plans. All hell started breaking lose and she began to be cyber bullied all over the place. People did not agree with what she had done and was being called very derogatory names such as a “slut, whore, bitch etc.”. Star can no longer upload one picture of her and a guy friend because everyone leaves negative comments on the picture saying if shes going to be giving him oral sex too. Right after all this began Star began to post of on her FaceBook status to leave her alone that her mother had found about the video and that she was having problems with her family due to it. “DeletingInappropriate or harassing messages, texts, and pictures is extremelydifficult after the have been posted”. The damage had already been done and the sad part is that she brought all that upon her self .

Another scenario where a teen is seeking for attention is in the article “Girl faces child pornCharges for posting Nude photos on Myspace of her self” by BethDeFalco. This s a fourteen year old girl where she thought it would be easy to upload nude pictures of herself on Myspace and though nothing would happen. Well happens that a lot can happen. This teenagers is being accused of child pornography. It is quite ironic Is'nt it? Should'nt someone had posted pictures of her in order for them to be accused of these charges? Sounds pretty stupid to me but of course her lack of education did not allow her to avoid this great problem that she is facing now. If the judge finds her guilty she might have to spend up to 17 years in jail for exposing her own pictures on the internet.
As a conclusion people in general need to be care full of what they post of themselves on the internet. Especially if they are teenagers because they are at such a young age and to experience something like what was mentioned before must be terrible. For those teenagers that are doing this on purpose to seek attention need help because this will lead them to nothing good. If some one you know needs attention or needs someone talk to maybe try listening to them. And if they do not want your help give them this number (1800)999-999 it is an Adolescent Intervention Crisis Hotlinetheir they can get help.

    Works Cited

kang, cecilia. "Many teens tell survey they’re addicted to social media, texting - Post Tech - The Washington Post." The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post. N.p., 26 June 2012

DeFalco , Beth . "Girl Faces Child Porn Charges for Posting Nude Photos of Herself on MySpace." | Legal News, Technology, In-House Counsel, & Small Firms Legal Resources. N.p., 29 Mar. 2009.

Project Web Final Essay

Christopher Dominguez
Professor Lawson
English 113
Final draft

Enough is Enough!

We all know bullying is when an individual confronts to tease, hurt, or disturb someone.  Bullying started off in schools where bullies would pick on kids that they didn’t like for some odd reason that never seem to make sense. Bullies will pick on the unpopular kids to stay on top while not losing their affection of the in-group that they belong too. For example, the pretty girls would pick on the not so pretty girls and call them names, tease them about their weight or just make their life a living hell. Facebook, instead of being a social network to connect with friends has become one of the most popular sites where kids get bullied every day. Bullies can just go on their wall and write; you suck, go hang yourself, you are a disgrace, and much more. If it’s not through social media site it’s through consent text messages. Bullies now have crossed the line of safety in school and are now entering through computers at home. Bullies are naïve to think that they don’t cause any harm through cyber bullying another people but indeed they do. Some children are getting both physical and cyber bullied. Cyber predators also have a great impact on cyber bullying. They pass as young males or females but in reality they are grown men and women. Cyber-bullying may not seem as anything massive but it can lead to deep depression, physical encounters, and in some cases to attempts if death and suicide. It’s time to get awareness out there to protect teens from become fatal victims of cyber bullying.

Cyber bullying has become a great phenomenon that exists on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks. Researchers are linking this type of bullying with depression among the victims that experience cyber bullying. In an article from the Science Daily they say that “regular bullying is when someone would go into the bathroom and write nasty insults on the wall, but with cyber bullying the victims are at risk that maybe worldwide then can be bullied even more” (Center for Advancing Health). Since they are getting bullied by messages, on chat rooms, or a text message they decide to isolate themselves and that’s when depression begins to kick in. The mechanisms of cyber bullying is that “I can post up a made of picture you on Facebook because there is a bigger audience… that can be devastating  not knowing how many people have see or commented on that photo” . Another factor is that adult predators pass as young boys; friend a girl, make the girls love them, insult them, and then dump the girls. In the article “Cyber-bullying linked to spike in depression” by The Washington Post says that boys are more likely to cyber-bully and girls are the cyber-victims. For those targeted by this behavior the tendency for depression was equal among both sexes. Victims of cyber-bullying have high factors of depression rather than their attackers or people who are bullies and have been victims. These might be because the bully that was once a victim is now taking revenge on what they did to him or her in a sense.

Your name, address, phone number, and other personal information is what social networks ask you to write down in order to create your profile. It doesn’t matter if you have your setting set to private, cyber predators will do anything to find out your information. There are two types of cyber predators; one that seeks face to face meetings and the other one who anonymously seek and trade child pornography images.  “It is believed that more than half a million pedophiles are online every day” .  There are websites that cyber predators use to obtain your information like “ and” (Hatch). A teenage girl named Alyson from Bloomington Illinois posted a picture of her dogs love for cheetos, but she didn’t know that her whereabouts where being broadcasted worldwide on Also her family’s information was found just by linking her picture from Twitter. Even without you being some friend you are able to look at; what city they live, there favorite TV shows and movies, and what high school they attended. The cyber predators that seek face to face meetings tend to pass as 14 year old boys or girls and tend to find teenagers with low self esteem. Cyber predators or pedophilias will first create a bond with their victim. As the days and weeks go by they will ask for nude images or ask if they can have a physical encounter and there they will abuse of their victim. The relationship that these predators form is called “grooming”.  Special Agent Wesley Tietmeyer, a veteran cyber investigator in Chicago said that “about 70 percent of youngsters will accept “friend” requests regardless of whether they know the requester”
Sexting is a practice of sending nude pictures through cell phones or any other electronic media. It has become an issue among young couples. A curious hormone-driven boyfriend will constantly ask his girlfriend to send him nude or seminude pictures of her. Sexting is considered normal for teens and it’s accepted in today’s culture, but they don’t know that it’s also a crime. According to the article “Teen Sexting can have Serious Consequences” it says “Sexting can have serious social and emotional consequences for teens and adults alike—especially where a picture is taken without knowledge, forwarded without consent, or used to bully and harass” (Herman). What teenagers don’t realize is what happens after they click send. What happens if you break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend and to get back at you they forward your picture to the whole school or put it on Facebook Anonymously? You could end up being teased, bullied, or even committing suicide. A 17 year old teen who snaps his or her own exposed picture has technically committed child pornography. In the state of Illinois “a person commits the offense of child pornography by videotaping or photographing anyone he or she should know is under the age of 18 and who is engaged in any sexual act or in any pose involving lewd exhibition of unclothed or transparently clothed genitals, pubic area, buttocks, or female breast” (Herman). Even if you forward an image that was sent to you, you still have violated that provision.

In conclusion, we need to be more educating and aware of what is going on through the internet. Children are not safe anymore. Cyber bullying has taken over the comfort of a child’s home. They don’t feel safe at school because they are being bullied or at because the bullying is continuing. Depression has been linked to cyber bullying in many cases it ends up fatal. Bullies don’t realize that they are hurting someone until it’s too late. They think that cyber bullying can’t be that bad but in reality it sometimes can be even worse than physical bullying. Cyber predators are all over the internet. They seek face to face meetings or just to get child pornography. Cyber predator’s victims are those teens that have low self-esteem due to the fact of being bullied.   Parents need to get educated to be able to protect their kids. Parents and also schools have to be well equipped with discipline matters when it comes down on cyber bullying and sexting. Parents need to talk to their kids about the dangers of cyber bullying and explain to them that sexting is considered a crime and not just a great phenomenon that teens are doing now a day. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

further research:
 Brain Pop has crated a video explaining what cyber bullying is to kids. so that they can get a better understanding on this topic

Works Cited
"Child Predators." FBI. FBI, 17 May 2011. Web. 27 Feb. 2013.

Center for Advancing Heath.“ In cyber bullying, depression hits victims hardest.” ScienceDaliy, 26 Sep. 2010. Web. 27 Feb.2013

George, Donna St. “Cyber-bullying linked to spike in depression.” The Washington Post.
The Washington Post, 21 Sep. 2010. Web. 13 Feb. 2013.
Hatch, David. "Tracking Your Every Move." National Journal (2010). Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 26 Feb. 2013.

Herman, Joshua D. "Teen Sexting Can Have Serious Consequences." Teens and Privacy. Ed. Noël Merino. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2011. Current Controversies. Rpt. from "Sexting: It's No Joke, It's a Crime." Illinois Bar Journal98.4 (Apr. 2010): 192. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 26 Feb. 2013.

Kasurak, Chris. “Cyber-bullying”.drawing. Google Images. n.d. Web. 10 Feb 2013

Final Project

“Cyberbullying is the use of the Internet, cell phones, or other electronic communication devices to spread harmful or embarrassing information about another person. This information can be in the form of text, photos, or videos” (Cyberbullying). For examples: spreading someone’s private information online or insulting others by posting comments are types of cyberbullying. Some people want to attract attention by being cyberbullied, they use it as a tool to sensationalize, but most of them end up with becoming the victims of cyberbullying. People who cyberbully others never realized how much it will hurt. So we have to stop cyberbullying even though some of the victims use it as a tool to attract attention.
  Here is the first example that someone wants to attract attention by being cyberbullied. There is lady called Feng who gained all people’s attention in the year 2009 and she is still a hot topic nowadays. Her name is Yufeng Luo and people called her Sister Feng. “She posted her excessive requirement for a marriageable boyfriend on a social website. She specified that such boyfriend must be elite with a degree in economics who graduates from Peking University (the NO.1 University in China) and must also be 6’0 tall and good looking. But meanwhile, she was working as a cashier in a Walmart in Shanghai even though she claimed that she works for a Fortune 500 company.” (Yufeng Luo) After her arrogant posts, 3 million people followed her on a social network called Weibo (The Chinese version of Twitter). And here is a hilarious post from her “I am absolutely clever than Einstein's, I know that guy, he is the one that invented the light bulb." (Luo Weibo) All of her followers reply evil and harsh comments to her and she has become the most popular "star" on the Internet and has been published in the magazine people. After she became famous she joined a talent show in China. During her performance, there was a guy throwing eggs toward her and insulted her in front of the audiences but she did nothing about that and she said she is happy that she can become famous.  In order to gain more celebrity, she accepted an interview which hosted by a famous talk show star named Chai Jing. In the interview Chai asked her:”Do you know that there’re many people call you stupid and insult you online?” Feng: “Yes, I know. But it brings me a lot of attention. I don’t care what they say.“ Chai: “Now no matter where you go there are a lot of people who want to take a photo with you, do you feel like star? “Feng: “I know I should be modest but the answer is yes.” (Chai)

  A girl like her is too ordinary to be in the spotlight in real life, so when she was cyberbullied, she thought she could use it as a tool to bring people's attention. I think using this method to attract people’s attention is pathetic and not dignified. Because when people talked about her they will only show their disgust.

  Here is another example that some people want to attract attention by being cyberbullied.  There is a guy who is famous for mean and harsh comments on the Weibo and he calls himself Handy Man. Handy Man always gives negative sores and mean comments. But people especially teenagers still tag him and want to be given scores about their self-portraits even though they know they will be insulted. They think it as a fun and popular thing to get score from Handy Man. This guy is a mystery that no one knows his real name, job or background, so he can say whatever he wants anonymously. He got 3 million followers in the past three months. I don't know since when people are obsessed with him and getting a comment from him is becoming an entertainment. Even celebrities are following him and social networks approve of this kind of behavior. This is an American student who went to college in China. She tagged Handy Man and wanted him to give her score. Here is what the guy said about her:” You look too simple and sometimes naive. But deep down you are too slutty and sometimes evil. What a bitch that sleeps with everyone! Negative scores, fuck off!” (Handy Man) This comment is so mean and may hurt that girl. But it seems like nobody cares about that girl. They laughed at her and even reposted it.

  Many of those people who tagged him didn’t realize they may be unable to take the consequence. One of my friends got negative scores and mean comments from Handy Man a week ago. She first thought that was funny but after some people reposted it and called her ugly, she began to feel bad and regretful. So we have to think twice before we write online because there is no eraser on the internet. Maybe we can delete things but it will always leave a track. And because the rapid speed of the internet people can see posts just in a minute and spread insanely fast.

   But is it okay to cyberbully others online because people can be anonymous? Cyber bullying is a common phenomenon that exists on Face book, Twitter, and every social network. People cyberbully others because they feel unrestricted on the Internet and they think they can say whatever they want. Most of them never realized that some people would get badly hurt by cyberbullied. We should be aware that if we do nothing about cyber bullying we are actually helping it.

  To stop cyberbullying, we have to be aware that people will get hurt by being cyberbullied. Most of the teenagers didn’t realize what consequence would come after cyberbullying others because they did that just for fun. We also need to stop reposting the pictures or comments which will embarrass other people.

  Being an audience is not innocent. Watching someone being cyberbullied and laughing at him is also a type of cyberbullying. Some people like to watch others being laughed and gossip with their friends. To be honest, I was one of them. I thought Handy Man is humorous when I first saw him made fun of those people who wanted scores. And then I showed those comments to my friends and took them as jokes. I didn’t mean to hurt those people. I laughed because I thought those comments are so funny. But then after I heard my friend got hurt by being cyberbullied, I began to feel ashamed about myself. Even thought I didn’t reposted or insulted the victims, I still laughed about them and approve people to cyberbullying them without me realizing.

  Doing nothing is actually helping. So we have to stop being an audience. Next time when we see some posts and pictures which are tended to insult people we should click the button “report”. In this way, we can stop cyberbullying with our actual movement instead of just talking about it. Social network is like a global stage and everyone is watching it. Let’s stop cyberbullying and start caring about other people and protecting them.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Final Project Web Essay

Vanessa Sandoval
English 113B
Professor Rebecca Lawson
                                              Cyber-bullying/Teen Suicide 

Cyber-bullying is bullying through the use of electronic technology such as cell-phones and computers. People are being bullied through text messages and social networks. The common victims of cyber-bullying are children, teenagers, and young adults. “The difference of cyber-bullying and physical bullying is that cyber-bullying can become a cycle happening twenty four hours seven days a week“. It can occur anywhere and at any time. Physical bullying can occur in school but then stops when the individual is safe at home. Cyber-bullying continues at home and the victim hardly ever feels safe. Cyber-Bullying through social networks can eventually lead to teenagers committing suicide because they are constantly being attacked and unfortunately they feel their only escape is by ending their own lives. In order to prevent cyber-bullying there should be an awareness of what teenagers are doing online and an establishment of technology rules in social networks.
Cyber-bullying is very common in social networks such as Facebook. This social network has become a gateway for people to attack others through the internet and not in person. Cyber-bullying can start with name calling such as rude comments that eventually hurt the victim’s feelings. People are taking advantage of Facebook in negative ways by putting others down and not realizing they are actually creating emotional damage. Cyber-bullying through social networks can get out of hand and lead to physical aggression where the victim is being bullied at school and also at home. Eventually this person feels like the whole world is against them and decides to commit suicide in order to stop their suffering. 

For example, a Canadian teenager named Amanda Todd committed suicide after being cyber-bullied through Facebook. This shows how cyber-bullying can really affect a person tremendously that their only alternative is to kill themselves. Amanda Todd posted a video on You tube to reveal her story and her suffering due to cyber-bullying. In her video she describes how it all started by a picture that changed her entire life. “One year later, a man contacted her on Facebook, threatening to send around the picture of her topless. The stranger knew everything her address, school, friends, and relatives. Soon, her naked photo had been forwarded to everyone".The stranger created a Facebook account using Todd’s uncensored photo as his profile picture. She became targeted in Facebook which then led to physical bullying at school. Todd’s case is an example of how cyber-bullying starts in social networks and then directs into physical aggression. Todd changed schools after schools but her torment wouldn't come to its end. Sadly she suffered from depression and anxiety disorders that triggered her to alcohol and drug abuse. In her video Todd mentions her attempts to commit suicide and how she is “struggling to stay in this world.” Unfortunately a month after posting the video Amanda Todd commits suicide by hanging herself in her house. This proves that cyber-bullying is linked to teenagers committing suicide. Todd was constantly being harassed through social network sites and at school. She never felt safe and tried anything to end this painful cycle. For Todd her only escape was through committing suicide.

Another example of a teenager committing suicide due to cyber-bullying is the case of 15 year old Phoebe Prince a recent Irish immigrant who committed suicide after three months of routine torment through text messages and Facebook by her classmates  Prince was being tormented by students mostly girls from her high school who resented her for dating a senior football player. “These girls would verbally assault and threaten her on Facebook. This cyber-bullying then became physical bullying when one of the girls crushed a soda can on her head”. Prince felt humiliated and no longer wanted to remain in school. She felt her only solution for this taunting to end was by hanging herself. Even after her death the girls who bullied her left disparaging messages on the Facebook page created for her memory. This shows how far cyber-bullying can go and even after Prince’s death she was still being attacked. Hurtful comments online shouldn't lead a teenager to the extent of committing suicide. The cycle of cyber-bullying must come to its end before more teenagers end up taking their own lives. 
Jamey's last post in Facebook before committing suicide 
Jamey Rodemeyer and his idol Lady Gaga

An additional example of a victim of cyber-bullying is 14 year old Jamey Rodemeyer from Buffalo, New York who killed himself after gay taunts in social networks and school. [Picture goes here] Jamey would bog about being suicidal because he was constantly being bullied at school. “He regularly posted about being bullied at school and how people launch gay insults at him”. Jamey was basically crying out for help through his blog by letting out his frustration and pain. For example Jamey wrote on his Tumblr site “ I always say how bullied I am, but no one listens. What do I have to do so people will listen to me?”. This shows how Jamey tried creating a voice for himself through his blog and other social networks. But instead of supporting him students from his school began to bully him online. “They would call him stupid, gay, fat, ugly and he must die“(Quigley). A person even wrote saying no one would care if he dies so to just do it and make everyone happy. Its very sad to realize that someone would actually tell someone else to kill themselves as if though it means nothing. These horrid posts and comments are what triggered Jamey to commit suicide. Before killing himself Jamey left a thank you post to his idol Lady Gaga and posted a lyric from her song “The Queen” on his Facebook page “ Don’t forget me when I come crying to heaven’s door”. Jamey announced that he was going to kill himself hoping that someone out there can stop him but unfortunately no one did. When his friends finally reported the message posts to the school guidance counselor she even admitted that it may already have been too late. In Jamey’s case he was actually speaking out about his suffering but was still being bullied. Tragically he felt no one cared about him and decided to kill himself.

Cyber-bullying is what eventually lead Todd, Prince, and Jamey to take their own lives away and it’s sad that the whole world found out when it was too late. Shockingly, this is still happening in social networks such as Facebook which are meant to be used to connect with friend and family, but are being used negatively to hurt others. “The primary cyber-bullying location where victimizing occurs, at 56%, is in chat rooms”. In order to prevent cyber-bullying is to first become aware of what is going on. What are teenagers up to in Facebook? Who are they talking to? These are questions parents and guardians should be thinking about and be able to figure out. Facebook is a huge social network that connects over one billion people from around the world. People can basically talk to anyone and anywhere. A teenager can be talking to a sexual predator who is looking for their next victim without even realizing it. [Look at my group member Christopher Dominguez’s essay for more details about cyber-predators.] 

Facebook is still very popular but the rules aren't good enough. There should be an establishment of rules for example people shouldn't be allowed to hurt or put down others and if they do they should get banned out of Facebook or any social network. Rude comments targeting a certain group or person should not be tolerated. People should have the right to defend themselves in a nonviolent matter and stop these “unknown” cyber-bullies. Cyber-bullying may never stop but it should be prevented from getting of hand and destroying someone’s life to the point where they feel their only escape is death. Cyber-bullying needs to be taken very seriously because anyone and can become a victim. Let’s help end cyber-bullying and save a person before it’s too late. Amanda Todd, Phoebe Prince, and Jamey Rodemeyer were dying silently and the world finally listened when it was too late. 

Works Cited Page
CBC News. “Cyber-bullying Linked Suicides Rising, Study Says.” Web. 20 Oct. 2012.

Goldman ,Russell. “Teens Indicated After Allegedly Taunting Girl Who Hanged Herself.” Web. 29. March. 2010.

Grenoble, Ryan. “Amanda Todd: Bullied Canadian Teen Commits Suicide After Prolonged Battle Online and in School.” Web.11.Oct.2012.

Quigley, Rachel. “What Do I Have To Do For People To Listen? Boy, 14, Kills Himself After Gay Taunts and Thanks Lady Gaga in His Final Post.” Web. 21. Sept. 2011.

Uhls, Yalda T. "Cyberbullying Has a Broader Impact than Traditional Bullying." Cyberbullying. Ed. Louise I. Gerdes. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. At Issue. Rpt. from "Is Bullying Going Digital? Cyber Bullying Facts." 2010. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 27 Feb. 2013

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

This website contains an article about how a teenage girl post nude pictures of herself on to a social network. However,

she does not think about what kind of consequences she can get her self in to . Her actions can potentially lead her to 

having to register as a sex offender . And all because of her own pictures she decided to expose of her self. She might

of posted them to seek attention not knowing it would backfire on her.

Girl Faces Child Porn Charges for Posting Nude Photos of Herself on MySpace

The Associated Press
March 27, 2009
A 14-year-old New Jersey girl has been accused of child pornography after posting nearly 30 explicit nude pictures of herself on -- charges that could force her to register as a sex offender if convicted.
The case comes as prosecutors nationwide pursue child pornography cases resulting from kids sending nude photos to one another over cell phones and e-mail. Legal experts, though, could not recall another case of a child porn charge resulting from a teen's posting to a social networking site.
MySpace would not comment on the New Jersey investigation, but the company has a team that reviews its network for inappropriate images. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children tipped off a state task force, which alerted the Passaic County Sheriff's Office.
The office investigated and discovered the Clifton resident had posted the "very explicit" photos of herself, sheriff's spokesman Bill Maer said Thursday.
"We consider this case a wake-up call to parents," Maer said. The girl posted the photos because "she wanted her boyfriend to see them," he said.
Investigators are looking at individuals who "knowingly" committed a crime, he said, declining to comment further because the case is still being investigated.
The teen, whose name has not been released because of her age, was arrested and charged with possession of child pornography and distribution of child pornography. She was released to her mother's custody.
If convicted of the distribution charge, she would be forced to register with the state as a sex offender under Megan's Law, said state Attorney General Anne Milgram. She also could face up to 17 years in jail, though such a stiff sentence is unlikely.
Some observers -- including the New Jersey mother behind the creation of Megan's Law -- are criticizing the trend of prosecuting teens who send racy text messages or post illicit photos of themselves.
Maureen Kanka -- whose daughter, Megan, became the law's namesake after she was raped and killed at age 7 in 1994 by a twice-convicted sex offender -- blasted authorities for charging the 14-year-old girl.
The teen needs help, not legal trouble, she said.
"This shouldn't fall under Megan's Law in any way, shape or form. She should have an intervention and counseling, because the only person she exploited was herself."
Called "sexting" when it's done by cell phone, teenagers' habit of sending sexually suggestive photos of themselves and others to one another is a nationwide problem that has confounded parents, school administrators and law enforcers.
Prosecutors in states including Pennsylvania, Connecticut, North Dakota, Ohio, Utah, Vermont, Virginia and Wisconsin have tried stop it by charging teens who send and receive the pictures.
The MySpace case may be a first, though.
"I'm not sure I've seen a prosecution like this coming out of a social networking site," said Seth Kreimer, a constitutional law professor at the University of Pennsylvania.
Milgram, the attorney general, could not recall another such case in New Jersey. She cautioned parents to get on those sites and monitor what their kids are talking about and posting.
"Unfortunately, youth don't have the same judgment as adults," she said, "and often, adults don't have the same technical savvy as the youth."
Copyright 2009 Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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Reader Comments

  • Rinky
    March 27, 2009 08:00 AM
    What sense does it make to tell parents to check what their kids are placing on networking sites if they can be charged criminally for having done so. Parents have to check their kids site every minute of every day and hope they can catch their kids and make them remove the pictures before the snooper prosecutor. The prosecutors should be charged.


This video clearly shows the consequences that a person can suffer if their intimate  videos fall in to the wrong hands.  Perhaps this video was never to get out of these two teenagers hands but it did and it potentially is on the social networks. This video also shows how other people feel about this scandal after the police got involved.

Star Beltran Song Response "Down on my Dick" OMG ( Y )

This video clip is from you tube. This song is talking about the scandal that Star Beltran was involved in. It clearly is ridiculing her and the video that she uploaded . This song is by another face book famous person that once was Star Beltran's friend and now is now cyber bullying her. This song speaks very negatively of her.

Monday, February 25, 2013

this is a video posted on YouTube  this video is a commercial campaign to stop bullying. it talks about how kids decided to stay home because they are being bullied in school. and the campaign uses singer Demi Lavato and she shares her story on how she would stay home because she would be contently  be bullied at school.

the second video is also a campaign ad to stop bullying. it gives a sense of  awareness  that verbal bullying can hurt.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Star Beltran Face Book Drama

In this picture we see "Star Beltran" and one of her friends. She is currently 17 years old. However, she became what you call "face book famous" after she posted a video of herself giving oral sex to two guys at the same time. Star posted this video where EVERYONE can see it in a way of getting attention.  This lead her to being cyber bullied as you can clearly see it in this picture. Star can no longer post any pictures with guys because people judge her. Star is being cyber bullied but she clearly did this to her self.

How to stop cyber bullying

To stop cyberbullying, we have to be aware that people will get hurt by being cyberbullied. Most of the teenagers didn’t realize what consequence would come after cyberbullying others because they did that just for fun. We also need to stop reposting the pictures or comments which will embarrass other people.
Being an audience is not innocent. Watching someone being cyberbullied and laughing at him is also a type of cyberbullying.
Doing nothing is actually helping. So we have to stop being an audience. Next time when we see some posts and pictures which are tended to insult people we should click the button “report”. In this way, we can stop cyberbullying with our actual movement instead of just talking about it. Social network is like a global stage and everyone is watching it. Let’s stop cyberbullying and start caring about other people and protecting them.

the guy likes to give mean comments

This is an American student who went to college in China. She tagged the guy who loves to give mean comments and want him to give her comments. Here is what the guy said about her:” You look too simple and sometimes naive. But deep down you are too slutty and sometimes evil. What a bitch that sleeps with everyone! Negative scores, fuck off!” This comment is so mean and may hurt that girl. But it seems like nobody cares about that girl. They laughed at her and even reposted it.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Cyber-bullying is linked to suicides

This article is about how cyber-bullying is linked to cases of teenagers committing suicide. Cyber-bullying is not the cause of suicide but its does contribute to it. I believe that cyber-bullying effects the persons decision and can eventually lead to a teenager committing suicide.  I agree with this article and how social networks are the core of cyber-bullying and where it takes place.

Factors including mental illness often present, Canadian researchers say

Posted: Oct 20, 2012 9:15 AM ET 

Last Updated: Oct 20, 2012 9:13 AM ET 

A new study from Dalhousie University in Halifax that analyzed 41 cases of suicide with a cyberbullying link found other causes as well..A new study from Dalhousie University in Halifax that analyzed 41 cases of suicide with a cyberbullying link found other causes as well.. (David Goldman/Associated Press)
Cases of suicides linked to cyberbullying have grown over the past decade, but being tormented over the internet is rarely the main factor involved, a new Canadian study shows.
There have been 41 suicides since 2003 involving cyberbullying in the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom, but most of the victims were also bullied in school and many suffered from mental illness, including depression, said John C. LeBlanc, a professor at Dalhousie University in Halifax who conducted the research.
"Although cyberbullying is a new and fairly awful modern manifestation of bullying … it is not a cause of suicide," he told CBC News. "It's only one factor among many … People who are cyberbullied have, for the most part, been bullied in more traditional manners as well."
The recent case of British Columbia teen Amanda Todd, who took her own life after posting a video on YouTube describing how she had been tormented by bullying online and struggling with depression, has shone a spotlight on the problem of cyberbullying and the tragic consequences that can result.
Her death last week sparked a firestorm of international attention, prompted RCMP to investigate the contributing factors, including cyberbullying, and pushed MPs to call for a national anti-bullying strategy.
There have been other high-profile cases in Canada, such as Jenna Bowers-Bryanton, a 15-year-old Nova Scotia girl who took her own life in January 2011.

78% of victims bullied online and in person

LeBlanc and his team of researchers analyzed English-language media reports of suicides in which cyberbullying was mentioned. They identified 41 cases, stemming as far back as 2003.
Their research showed that the incidence increased over time, with 23 cases (56 per cent) taking place between 2003 and 2010. But in 2011 and the first four months of 2012, there were 18 cases of suicides with a cyberbullying link.
There is no clear reason why the cases appear to be growing, but exposure and use of social media has increased, LeBlanc said.
"While it is catastrophic, it is rare. These 41 cases, over four countries in eight years illustrate that … but it's rare and therefore very difficult to study," he said.
The vast majority of cases, 23, were in the U.S., followed by six in Australia, five in the U.K. and four in Canada.
Of the victims, 78 per cent of them who committed suicide were bullied both at school and online — with only 17 per cent targeted on the internet only, the study showed.
A mood disorder was present in 32 per cent of the teens, and another 15 per cent also had depression symptoms.
Another notable finding was that all of the victims were between the ages of 13 to 18, likely stemming from the pressures of adolescence, LeBlanc said.
"Teenagers are very vulnerable that way," he said. "Adults use social media, particularly young adults. So, it's not exposure to social media, but about being a young adolescent that is trying to form his or her identity, and cares very much about what people think."

Social networking sites used in nearly half of cases

The victims were more often female, with 24 female cases compared with 17 males, researchers found.
The researchers also catalogued the type of electronic media or social media used.
Social networking sites were used in 48 per cent of all the suicide cases, while messaging (text, pictures or video) were used in 25 per cent of the cases.
Facebook was used in cyberbullying most often, cited in 27 per cent of cases, while Facebook combined with messaging of pictures, videos and texts were used in 13 per cent.
Also, it appeared that most of the suicides took place in September and January, coinciding with the beginning of a new school semester, though there were not enough cases to be statistically significant, LeBlanc said.
The takeaway message from the study, he said, is like with traditional bullying, people must intervene when they suspect someone is being bullied.
Todd's recent suicide is a "striking example," he said, of a troubled person putting out a cry for help, but no one coming to her aid.
Because bullying usually takes places out of the view of most adults, other young people need to step in, whether online or in person, LeBlanc said.
"Youth themselves have to develop a code of ethics or civility … where, when things like this happen, they actually jump in to protect the other person, and they actually post things online that says this is inappropriate," he said.