Thursday, February 28, 2013

Leslie Ocon
English 113B
Professor Lawson
Final Draft

Social Network Problems

The social network is probably the most common way that people communicate now in days.Their is many social networks such as: Facebook, Twitter,Instagram and Tumbler and many more websites .Everyone has one from teenagers to older people to business people. However, the difference for people is the way that they express themselves on the internet and what they use it for.Many teenagers tend to use the internet in inappropriate ways that they should not use it for . For example many teenagers post up sexsual videos and pictures exposing themselves in the social network as a way of them to seek attention. However, it can backfire on them and easily make themselves a target to become cyber bullied something that maybe they were not expecting.Or even bring themselves upon problems with the law. This is not okay for teenagers to be seeking out for attention this way on the internet and running themselves in to trouble with the law over something that is fake in a way. The sad part is that what ever happens on the internet does not always stay their . Everyone knows that whatever is exposed on the internet is at the reach of every ones hand. That is exactly why people have to thin twice before they post anything.Please do not be the next person to do this it will definitely hurt you one way or the other. Receiving fame over the internet is not worth the harassment you will receive over something you did on the internet.
Many teenagers do not receive the attention that they need at home so they go out seeking for it in the internet. Everyone has internet access so it seems easy to do. Or might it be that teenagers are so addicted to the social networking that they take these actions just to become famous on Facebook and the social networks? In “Many Teens tell survey they're addicted tosocial Media,texting” by The Washington Post “Nine out of 10teens use texting and social media sites”. That is an insane number. If you were to fill a room with 100 teenagers only 10 of them would not have a social networking website.

The first example is the one of a now currently “Facebook Famous” person as they like to be called is Star Beltran. Star Beltran is currently a 17 year old that resides in the Los Angeles area. Star decides one day to upload a very explicit video of her self giving oral sex to two guys at the same time on the social network FaceBook. Immediately her Facebook started going insane with likes on here video and friend request.Star currently has 41,988followers on Facebook. Meaning that she already has the friend limit she can have on FaceBook which are 5,000 friends. After the 5,000 friends she had to get “followers” which in a way can also be her fans or the haters that want to know what she is updating on her FaceBook. When this video was first uploaded on to FaceBook many people thought that her account had been hacked by someone that disliked her because who would want to upload a video like that on to the internet where everyone can see it? Many times we see it happen from normal people to celebrities when they are exposed in intimate situations and clearly are embarrassed by it. Well everyone was wrong. Later on Star uploads a video the next day where she her self states that no one had hacked her Face Book and she had uploaded it her self. Star in the beginning felt no shame of what she had done and she even mentioned the named of the two guys in the video as we can not see their faces on the video for exception of Star's. Most definitely she uploaded this video on to FaceBook to clearly get the attention from everyone. At that time Star was sixteen years old. Her video became so famous on the Internet that it ended up making to a porn site. And of course Star was proud of that as she updated her FaceBook bragging about it. However, not everything went according to Star's plans. All hell started breaking lose and she began to be cyber bullied all over the place. People did not agree with what she had done and was being called very derogatory names such as a “slut, whore, bitch etc.”. Star can no longer upload one picture of her and a guy friend because everyone leaves negative comments on the picture saying if shes going to be giving him oral sex too. Right after all this began Star began to post of on her FaceBook status to leave her alone that her mother had found about the video and that she was having problems with her family due to it. “DeletingInappropriate or harassing messages, texts, and pictures is extremelydifficult after the have been posted”. The damage had already been done and the sad part is that she brought all that upon her self .

Another scenario where a teen is seeking for attention is in the article “Girl faces child pornCharges for posting Nude photos on Myspace of her self” by BethDeFalco. This s a fourteen year old girl where she thought it would be easy to upload nude pictures of herself on Myspace and though nothing would happen. Well happens that a lot can happen. This teenagers is being accused of child pornography. It is quite ironic Is'nt it? Should'nt someone had posted pictures of her in order for them to be accused of these charges? Sounds pretty stupid to me but of course her lack of education did not allow her to avoid this great problem that she is facing now. If the judge finds her guilty she might have to spend up to 17 years in jail for exposing her own pictures on the internet.
As a conclusion people in general need to be care full of what they post of themselves on the internet. Especially if they are teenagers because they are at such a young age and to experience something like what was mentioned before must be terrible. For those teenagers that are doing this on purpose to seek attention need help because this will lead them to nothing good. If some one you know needs attention or needs someone talk to maybe try listening to them. And if they do not want your help give them this number (1800)999-999 it is an Adolescent Intervention Crisis Hotlinetheir they can get help.

    Works Cited

kang, cecilia. "Many teens tell survey they’re addicted to social media, texting - Post Tech - The Washington Post." The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post. N.p., 26 June 2012

DeFalco , Beth . "Girl Faces Child Porn Charges for Posting Nude Photos of Herself on MySpace." | Legal News, Technology, In-House Counsel, & Small Firms Legal Resources. N.p., 29 Mar. 2009.

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